Monday, 28 October 2013

Event ID 12339 and 12344: File Server Resource Manager failed to find claim list

Problem: You are running a Windows Server 2012 file server and you see the error messages in your logs every 15 minutes or so.

1) Event ID: 12339
File Server Resource  Manager failed to find the claim list 'Global Resource Property List' in Active Directory (ADsPath: LDAP://dc1.domain.local/CN=Global Resource Property List,CN=Resource Property Lists,CN=Claims Configuration,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=domain,DC=local).  Please check that the claims list configured for this machine in Group Policy exists in Active Directory.
 2) Event ID: 12344
File Server Resource  Manager finished syncing claims from Active Directory and encountered errors during the sync (0x80072030, There is no such object on the server.) Please check previous event logs for details.

Solution: You can either upgrade the Active Directory schema to version 56 (Windows Server 2012) or safely ignore the error messages.

If you can update the schema of your domain. Follow these steps:

 log on to Windows Server 2012 as Administrator of your domain
 Copy from "support \adprep" in the media of Windows Server 2012 to "c:\"
run this command
 c:\adprep\adprep.exe /forestprep

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